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Srcful offers a decentralized energy system that utilizes blockchain, distributed energy resources, and the Internet of Things to revolutionize the energy industry. The possibilities of this innovative technology extend far beyond the current energy market, and the Srcful platform can be used in a variety of different ways. On this page, we'll explore three potential use cases for the Srcful system: flexibility services, guarantee of origin, and peer-to-peer energy trading. Each of these use cases demonstrates the power and potential of the Srcful platform to drive the transition towards renewable energy and a more sustainable future.

Flexibility services

There are several potential use cases for the decentralized energy system powered by Srcful's energy gateway. One such use case is the provision of incentives or compensation to encourage individuals with solar PV systems and/or batteries to align their energy generation and consumption with real-time grid status. By providing compensation for their contribution to grid stability, individuals may be more inclined to consider the impact of their energy generation on the grid as a whole. By aggregating the power of multiple units, a VPP can offer the same services and redundancy as large central power plants or industrial consumers, enabling the integration of renewable energies into the market. Furthermore, the VPP can help to stabilize the power grid by balancing fluctuations in renewable energy generation through the ramping up and down of power generation and consumption of controllable units.

Guarantee of Origin

Another potential use case for the Srcful system is the transparent tracking and verification of the Guarantee of Origin for used electricity on the blockchain. This can enable individuals to validate the source of their electricity and ensure that it meets their sustainability and ethical standards.

P2P Energy trading

Finally, the peer-to-peer (P2P) nature of the Srcful platform could provide a solution to the challenges posed by decentralized renewable energy generation in traditional centralised energy grids. By automating the buying and selling of excess renewable energy generated by home solar panels, the Srcful platform could enable a more efficient and sustainable energy market. This P2P approach could also help to alleviate the strain on traditional energy networks that are struggling to cope with the increasing demand for renewable energy from smaller, decentralized sources.