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Incentive Structure


Please note that Srcful is still in Beta and all token rewards should be concidered as non tradeable Beta-tokens.

Quick Overview: Understanding Srcful Tokenomics

Srcful has designed its tokenomics with two main incentive mechanisms: the Proof-of-Source (PoSRC) rewards program and the service allocation pot. The former specifically rewards owners of eco-friendly energy sources for connecting and verifying these sources, while the others is used to incentivize various valuable services within the Srcful ecosystem. One of the primary services rewarded from this pot is Proof-of-Control (PoCTRL), which is the first of many potential services to be incentivized through this pot. Each incentive pool has a specific role, ensuring a well-rounded incentive scheme that supports different facets of the platform’s growth and operations.

Incentive Alignment and Network Growth

The strategic design behind Srcful's incentive program not only encourages initial participation but also aligns the long-term interests of the network with its participants. This alignment is pivotal for sustained growth and the ongoing development of the Srcful ecosystem.

For the network to flourish, a constant influx of renewable energy resources is vital. PoSRC plays an essential role in initiating this influx by attracting Distributed Energy Resource (DER) owners to the platform. However, to maintain momentum after these resources are connected, continued growth becomes critical. This is where PoCTRL steps in, providing a structured mechanism to effectively leverage these resources for grid stability and resilience.

The harmony between PoSRC and PoCTRL underpins a powerful synergy. The initial token incentives offered by PoSRC provide Srcful with a competitive advantage, which drives higher adoption rates. Subsequent participation in PoCTRL allows DER owners to maximize both the utility and profitability of their energy assets. Ongoing engagement is facilitated by Srcful's dynamic management capabilities, which concurrently heighten the network's appeal to potential new participants.

In essence, the dual-layer incentivization via PoSRC and PoCTRL serves as more than just a rewards system—it is a fundamental driver for network maturity and epitomizes Srcful's progressive strategy for reshaping the renewable energy field.

Srcful's Tokenomics model ingeniously motivates participation in a decentralized green energy network through two key components:

  • Proof-of-Source (PoSRC): As a fundamental incentive to enlarge the Srcful network, PoSRC awards SRC tokens to DER owners for integrating their sustainable energy sources into the Srcful grid. This incentive is designed to get less over time, transitioning the focus toward ongoing energy service contributions within the network.

  • Proof-of-Control (PoCTRL): Established within the service allocation pot of the tokenomics, PoCTRL rewards DER owners who permit Srcful to manage certain functions of their energy resources. This managed control enables Srcful to engage the aggregated DER capabilities in flexibility grid service markets, aiding in supply and demand balance. Participants receive additional rewards on top of their earnings from PoSRC. PoCTRL participation is voluntary, ensuring that DER owners retain autonomy and can opt out whenever they choose.

Together, these mechanisms are poised to create a versatile and scalable market for green energy. They not only offer value to token holders but also are vital in democratizing access to energy.

Sourceful's incentive framework for integrating Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) with the decentralized energy grid involves two core elements: Proof-of-Source and Proof-of-Control. Proof-of-Source compensates DER owners for certifying their energy sources and establishing connectivity to the Sourceful network. Proof-of-Control (PoCTRL), an optional feature, allows Sourceful to market the energy produced by the DERs on flexibility grid service platforms. In synergy, these features cultivate a more sustainable and decentralized energy system while furnishing additional incentives for DER ownership and engagement in the energy market.


Proof-of-Source (PoSRC) is Srcful's strategic initiative aimed at broadening the network of eco-friendly energy resources. By offering SRC tokens as incentives to owners of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), PoSRC acts as a catalyst for network expansion. With increased authentication and integration of DERs into the Srcful grid, the durability and scope of the renewable energy network improve. The PoSRC rewards are strategically designed to diminish over time, transitioning the incentive model to prioritize the provision of energy services within the network. This ensures long-term engagement and contribution from DER owners as the network evolves.

Proof-of-Source stands as a cornerstone in Srcful's strategy to engage DER owners. By demonstrating and verifying the renewable nature of their energy, DER owners earn SRC tokens. The PoSRC model plays a vital role in aggregating numerous DERs on the Srcful network. This aggregation is indispensable for the flexibility market, promoting a stable and responsive energy grid by widening the volume of energy resources available to offset the fluctuations in supply and demand.

The incentivization through PoSRC not only motivates DER owners to join the Srcful network but also fosters a greener, decentralized energy system that serves the interests of all market participants. Become a part of the energy revolution with Srcful and start collecting rewards for your environmentally-friendly energy today.

Next, we will be highlighting Proof-of-Control (PoCTRL), an integral component of the Srcful incentive model, which underscores the proactive management of DERs. Illustrated in the ensuing section, PoCTRL fosters complex grid interactions, furthering the rewards for network participants. Join us as we delve into PoCTRL and its ramifications for the energy sector.


Proof-of-Control (PoCTRL) represents one of the pioneering services eligible for rewards from the service allocation of the Srcful tokenomics. This innovative incentivization framework is designed to reward active participation and engagement within the Srcful network. As such, Proof-of-Control is not just an additional feature; it is at the forefront of our reward structure, underpinning our commitment to fostering a dynamic and responsive energy ecosystem.

Proof-of-Control is the next step in the Srcful platform's incentive model for connecting Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) to the decentralized energy grid. Proof-of-Control is an optional feature that allows DER owners to give Srcful the abillity to control some functions of the DER, allowing Srcful to provide power stabilization on the flexibility grid service markets.

By enabling Proof-of-Control, DER owners can receive additional rewards for their energy contributions beyond the standard Proof-of-Source rewards. This is because Proof-of-Control allows Srcful to sell clustered DERs as a single entity on the flexibility grid service markets, which enables greater flexibility in balancing supply and demand for energy.

DER owners who enable Proof-of-Control retain full ownership of their DER and can opt out of the program at any time.

Overall, Proof-of-Control is an important feature of the Srcful platform, as it enables greater flexibility in the energy marketplace and provides additional incentives for DER owners to contribute to the decentralized energy grid. By participating in the Proof-of-Control program, DER owners can help shape the future of energy and earn rewards for their contributions to a more sustainable and decentralized energy system.